
Autograph: Knowledge Graphs are just the beginning

May 9, 2024

I’ve been obsessed with knowledge graphs since I started using Obsidian in 2022. I think having a densely connected knowledge graph is like having a densely connected brain/neural network — there is a lot of intelligence embedded within. A knowledge graph, according to Wikipedia, is “a knowledge base that uses a graph-structured data model or topology to represent and operate on data. Knowledge graphs are often used to store interlinked descriptions of entities – objects, events, situations or abstract concepts – while also encoding the semantics or relationships underlying these entities. ...

Memecoin Thesis

March 5, 2024

Note: This article was initially written for a specific community I’m involved with. However, I’ve broadened its scope for a general audience while maintaining references that my community will appreciate. Hey guys! I wanted to share my memecoin thesis (as they are ripping rn). I think it’s aligned with the goals of our community (to do cool shit across the world, buy land together, and to have a powerful community in general). ...


December 29, 2023

The last blog I kept was during my time at OpenAI. I’ve had a few draft blog posts in my notes but haven’t had a place to collect and share them. I’m hoping to use this blog as a place to share my thoughts on various technologies from crypto to AI, and how I think they’ll shape our world. I often have themes I’m thinking deeply on and I share those with the people around me — but I think I (and others) would be better served if I consolidated the thoughts a bit more formally and concisely and shared them publicly. ...